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3 Benefits of Using Air Purifier

During this pandemic, many people used air purifiers in their homes. They believe that using an air purifier can minimize the spread of covid-19 in the room. 

Air purifiers can indeed minimize the number of bacteria and viruses in the air. Even so, many people buy an air purifier just because they follow trends without knowing the benefits, they get by using an air purifier. 

However, the air purifier has many benefits for the health of its users. Here are the reasons why water purifiers are great for health.  

1. Air Purifiers Remove Triggers for Asthma Attacks 

How can an air purifier remove triggers for asthma attack? It is because the air purifier can capture pollutants down to 0.1 microns in the airborne, including bacteria and viruses. Which is why, by investing an air purifier at home is great for you who are asthma sufferer or have someone who has asthma in your house.

2. Air Purifiers Eliminate Allergens, Such as Dust and Pet and smoke Odour 

Not only HEPA filter, the air purifiers also have pre-filter and carbon filter. Pre-filter is specialized in trapping bigger pollutant such as dust. The dust will be trapped inside the pre-filter. The carbon filter is specialized in neutralized odour in the room. If one of your family is smokers, air purifier can remove the odour of tobacco that is lingered in object surfaces.

3. Air Purifiers Eliminate Radon Gas, Which Can Cause Lung Cancer 

Rado gas is produced from a natural combination of uranium in soil, rock, and water that can be found in homes, offices, and schools as it enters through cracks in the floors and walls. 

People are at ricks of being contaminated by radon gas, but if levels of radon gas are too high, deathly results can occur. Study has found fact that anywhere from 15,000 to 22,000 lung cancer deaths are linked to radon gas each year. 

Those three reasons are the benefits of air purifier to your health. Next time, if you are considered to buy an air purifier, better you check the specifications first and the technology inside the air purifier before deciding to buy a new one.