
Benefits of having portable smoke cabin at home

Although it is very difficult for smokers to quit smoking, being a good smoker and caring more about the environment, especially for your family at home is something essential to be considered. Having a smoke cabin placed in your home would be one of the best ways to keep closing with your family without segregation. Here are benefits of having some cabin at home 

Keep the clean and fresh air at home 

With a portable smoking cabin in the house, of course, it will absorb cigarette smoke at home. The filter system will purify the air to be cleaner and fresher air with no smoke gathering in the house. 

Maintain family health 

Our family health is of course the first thing we must aware of as smoking smoke may be dangerous for the people around them. Having a special smoke cabin in the house will improve and maintain the health of the family as there will be a filter system that will absorb and filter the cigarette smoke to be clean air. 

Give comfort to the residents of the house 

With a special smoking cabin in the house, it will make the people inside feel comfortable without the interference of cigarette smoke. Everyone will be more convenient doing their things. Besides, family harmony can be still maintained. 


The smell of secondhand cigarettes often sticks to the clothes so it is necessary for every individual to be aware of providing a special smoke cabin at home for mutual comfort. It’s not only absorbing and filtering the smoke but smoke cabins are able to remove both particulate matter and odors as well as it has Air Filters.  

Smoking Zone

Smoking Zone

Smoking Zone is a place where smokers can fully relax in a comfortable surrounding while preventing passive smoke. We provide customised solutions for customers who have special needs and requests. Our certified filtering system traps 99,95% of all harmful toxic gases and particles, thus minimising cleaning and refurbishing costs.

Freestanding Smoking Zone are useful for those who need to be flexible, as they can be resized and relocated. We also have the right products to improve air quality in an existing Smoking Room. With our fireproof self-extinguishing ashtrays, all the cigarettes and ashes can be safely handled. Our Outdoor Smoking Room Solution are useful for those who need to have a separate Smoking Area from the main building. We also have the right products to improve air quality in an existing Smoking Zone. With our fireproof self-extinguishing ashtrays, all the cigarettes and ashes can be safely handled.